
Tips for Removing Cat Urine From Carpet

"The faster you start removing cat urine from carpet the easier it is to avoid a permanent stain and bad odor from bacteria that forms in the urine. To clean the carpet, soak the area with an enzyme based commercial cleaning product down to the carpet pad. It can take up to 2 weeks for the area to dry and the stain to go away. Cats are likely to return to area to urinate again, so either prohibit access, feed your cat at the spot where urination occurred, or cover area with aluminum foil. Over a few weeks the size of the covered area can be reduced until only a small piece is left. Another tip is to move the litter box to the area where the accident occurred."

Removing cat urine from carpet needs to happen right away if you want to avoid having to replace the padding under the carpet. Cats have a very sensitive sense of smell. If the cleaning is not thorough, your cat could use the odor as a marker for where he or she should urinate in the future.

Here are some ways for removing cat urine from carpet:

General Tips:

1. Do not combine cleaning products. We recommend soaking the cat urine stain down to the carpet pad with Nature's Miracle Stain & Odor Remover.

removing cat urine
Saturate the Carpet and Carpet Bad When Removing Cat Urine Odor

2. After cleaning urine odor will remain for up to 2 weeks. This is normal. The stained area may feel damp during this entire period.

3. Do not combine cleaning products. Chemicals in one might interfere with the other. Do not use a product like Nature's Miracle and then steam clean. Only use one approach.

4. Keep your cat away from the treated area. If this is difficult, then cover the area with tin foil. Most cats do not like the feeling of foil under there feet.

5. Even if you clean the stain the urine acid might harm the carpet. You might see some type of stain on the carpet even after cleaning.

6. For minor issues one cat urine home remedy would be to blot as much liquid as possible. Apply vinegar or lemon juice and then scrub with warm soapy watter. Sponge dry and repeat. Finish by wiping area with a cloth moistened in ammonia to neutralize any odor.  Test on carpet before use.

7. To avoid future accidents, cover the area after cleaning with aluminum foil.  Reduce the size of the area covered with foil gradually over several weeks. Other tips are to feed the cat on the spot or move the litter box to that spot.

References for Removing Cat Urine from Carpet:

Cats Of Australia

Household Hints & Handy Tips


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