Cat Diabetes Symptoms
"Cat diabetes symptoms are caused when the body cannot absorb sugar into the cells as a result of a problem with insulin production. As sugar accumulates in the blood, it spills into the urine causing an increase in urination and thirst. A lack of sugar absorption in the brain triggers an appetite response."
Symptoms of cat diabetes are due to the body's inability to absorb sugar into the cells of the body. Symptoms include:
- Excessive Thirst
- Increase in Appetite
- Weight Loss
- Increased Urination
- Increase in drinking water
In chronic or severe cases, a condition called ketoacidosis develops. Symptoms associated with ketaacidosis include:
- Dehydration
- Breathing problems
- Weakness
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Reduced appetite
- Skin and coat problems
Ketoacidosis is a condition that occurs when the body cannot get energy from glucose due to diabetes. Acid forms in the bloodstream that helps to break down fats in the body and turn them into energy.
Cause of Cat Diabetes Symptoms
The symptoms of cat diabetes are likely due to weight gain as a byproduct of high carbohydrate consumption. Dry cat foods in particular have a high percentage (30%) of carbohydrates. In the wild cat's are carnivores, meaning they like to eat meat such as small rodents (mice). Mice like all meats are primarily protein and fats vs. eating grains or plants.
Cats that live indoors tend to get less exercise than those in the wild. Commerical dry foods provide more carbs in the diet. The body craves the proteins and fats and does not digest the carbs as well. Since the food doesn't contain enough protein, your cat will crave more and seek to over eat.
As your cat eats, the body breaks the food down into component parts. One of those parts is sugar (also called glucose). Insulin, produced by the pancreas, is used by the body to allocate the glucose to the cells. When there isn't enough insulin, it accumulates in the blood and enters the urine, causing the body to urinate more, and with increased urination, the body wants to drink more. If the body can't find an energy source it looks to stored fat, which causes weight loss.
Sugar in the brain controls your cat's appetite. Without insulin, sugar can't enter the brain cells causing an appetite response.
Net, common cat diabetes symptoms include when your cat eats more, loses more weight, drinks more, and urinates more. Left untreated, additional symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea start as the body looks for alternative energy sources.
From Cat Diabetes Symptoms to More Information on Feline Diabetes