Cat Leaks Urine

My Cat is a little over 9 years of age. She is still very active as an older cat. But the poor thing meows constantly and always seems distressed.

She leaks urine all over my house and seems to always lick areas after urination. The other wild thing is she's loosing fur all around her stomach, genitals and tail.

I need help diagnosing her, as it seems no vet can figure out what she may have.

Please email me with further information

Vet Suggestion Cat Leaking Urine and Losing Hair


If you have not been satisfied with the answers that you have received from your veterinarian(s), a second or even third opinion is in order.

Sometimes seeing a specialist is the most effective (and cheapest in the long term) way to go.

In your case, I think a board certified internal medicine specialist would be your best option. He or she will want to perform a physical examination and then probably blood work, urine tests and perhaps even X-rays or an ultrasound of her urinary tract.

Her skin problems may or may not be related to her urinary problems so they could require additional tests.

I do not know what you have been told at your previous veterinary visits, but some urinary problems in cats do have a tendency to recur or relapse if they are not treated aggressively enough or preventative measures are not taken.

If you cannot take your cat to a specialist, call your current veterinarian with an update and ask what you should do.

Good luck,

Jennifer Coates, DVM

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May 24, 2011
by: Anonymous

Has your vet ever prescribed Phenylpropanolamine (sold in the US as Proin)? It worked miracles on my older female dog, but I've read about it being used successfully for both male and female cats as well. It helps increase bladder sphincter tone. It's contraindicated in animals with certain other medical conditions, like glaucoma, but may be an option for your cat. Please ask your vet about it!

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