Dawn Deming

by Dawn

I have 2 cats who have been sitting on the flower pots on my balcony. I developed rashes and itching on the front of my body. After one cat slept on a barcolounger with me I had a grouping of itchy bumps on my knees. The cats don't seem to show signs of fleas. They are not scratching themselves a lot. I combed the cats with a flea comb and found a few minute white flecs. I am scratching like crazy and have used Benedry. Is it possible that they passed it on to me and they are not allergic to the fleas. I don't know whether to go to a dermatologist but I will

get a safe flea product for them. How do I take care of these bumps that I have suffered from for about two weeks.

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Jun 09, 2008
Flea Bites
by: Jeff

Usually an allergic reaction to fleas can be treated with calamine lotion. The key is making sure that the fleas are removed from your home and areas outside. Consider something like Dermisil

Jun 09, 2008
by: Anonymous

Thanks, Jeff. Good old Calamine lotion. Is it still a staple in everyone's cabinet. Thanks for answering.

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