Cat Fur Loss
by Brad
(Vancouver Island BC Canada)
Cat Fur Loss Reader Question:
Hi, we have 2 year old spayed female cat. She has had small scabs on her since the early summer.
We thought from fighting.
Now she is losing fur around her tail and rump....a lot!!
She has more small scabs that resemble bites of some kind.
No dandruff or infected looking wounds.
Any ideas.
Cat Fur Loss Editor Response:Dear Brad,
Thank you for your question. Symptoms like those you mentioned may signal several different skin problems, such as a mite or flea infestation or a seasonal allergy.
Because of this the only way to make a specific diagnosis is through a detailed clinical examination. Some additional laboratory tests might also be required in complicated or advanced cat skin problems.
However, you can try some steps your own, i.e. you can initially try some natural ways of treating your cat to see if it helps.
Initially, bathe your cat with a quality cleansing/herbal shampoo followed by the application of a topical natural preparation that was made specifically for the elimination of possible cause.
If you suspect mites, combine a miticidal (kills mites) preparation such as
Dermisil for Pet Mange with the shampoo. If your cat is experiencing itchiness and restlessness due to the skin problem, you should also use a remedy for this problem as well such as
Allergy Itch Ease.
Make sure that you follow the manufacturer’s directions for effective treatment.
If you notice that symptoms persist, you should consult a veterinarian for a detailed diagnosis. In such case, along with specific treatment prescribed by the veterinarian, you can use some natural tonics such as
Skin and Coat Tonic, to enhance recovery and maintain skin health.
Unfortunately, the symptoms you mentioned do not help in a definite way to identify the problem. However, for the safety of you and your family, you should disinfect your house in case the problem is mites or fleas. You can do this by spraying a quality disinfectant such as
Benzarid around the house where you cat wanders and by washing all of your cat's belongings with warm water and detergent.